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Everyday life presents many challenges for women. We are not alone though. Masterfully created, women were born to be a blessing, to be productive, and to walk with God. Yet, distractions, dangerous perceptions, and unhealthy relationships threaten to derail our ability to fully experience joyful living. No matter who you are, what you’re facing or what disappointments lie in your past, God loves you and wants to be present in your life. His awesome love will guide us, strengthen us, and transform our hearts and enrich every area of our lives. The Lord truly knows what we endure. The responsibilities of womanhood, marriage, motherhood and careers can be a tremendous deal to balance. Trying to honor biblical virtues, while combating today’s worldly standards, requires wisdom and strength from the Lord. 

Get your copy of You Really Do Deserve Me on Amazon!

"You Really Do Deserve Me" explores just a few of the qualities of a Super Wife, some things we can all try to have more peace in our marriages, and little ways wives can support and complement their husbands. defines complement this way: “something that completes or makes perfect.” That beautiful definition succinctly fits a Super wife to a T. 

A Super wife is queen of motivation in her home. Her grace, strength, insight, comfort, resolve during a storm, brilliance, and even her joy make up a very unique skill-set that any man would be blessed to have. A Super Wife faces every challenge with optimism and strives to handle day-to-day circumstances with grace, strength, and humor.

Tondeleya Allen, author of "The Blessed Woman Endeavor," believes every wife has the power to complement her husband and inspire him to be a better man.

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